Cidiesse celebrates the 40th anniversary of activity.

The 2016 is an important milestone year because we celebrated 40 years of activity.
We have many reasons to celebrate: our company has grown year after year, consistently, till it become multinational partners of successful industries in the world, in food industry and beyond.
At our headquarters in Piovene Rocchette (VI) we have a factory equipped with the latest technologies and productive organization that is not limited to assemble the various components of the handling equipment, but has experience of product innovation, develops customized solutions, design in 3D and builds each piece to fit specific customer needs.
Its flexibility and ability to offer customized solutions of high technical-constructive profile, combined with attentive service assembly, testing and after-sales service, have helped to increase the company's reputation in Italy and abroad.
During celebratory event of the 3rd December were brought together executives, employees, customers and suppliers in the beautiful location of Villa San Biagio, in Mason Vicentino. The owner and founder Carlo Dal Santo has compared Cidiesse to a large tree: solidly rooted in our local region, grown in 40 years of work, fertilized through constant investments, branched out into the world. Withstood the storm of the economic crisis, resists the wind of competition, it produces satisfaction and fruitful results.
And surely we could be satisfied and celebrate with you this goal.